All you should know about the MOT exams in the UK {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}

It’s very important for your vehicles to remain intact year after year. It’s quite common to have faults in the vehicles when you use them continuously. Sometimes, the tyres start wearing out or it’s the alignment of the car that goes wrong. After all, your vehicle is a complex machine and it needs to be checked from time to time. To keep an eye on your vehicle, the UK government has devised a test called MOT (Ministry of Transport). Unchecked vehicles can often turn out to be dangerous on the roads and that shouldn’t happen whatsoever. Such vehicles can meet accidents on the roads and this can be hazardous for other vehicles too. 

Therefore, MOT Bromley checks if your vehicle is street-worthy and it can run efficiently on the roads. This is a comprehensive test that checks almost each and every part of your vehicle. It’s done on vehicles that get three years old. After the completion of three years, it’s done every year. If your vehicle clears the test, then you can rest assured and drive with confidence anywhere. However, it often happens that it becomes pretty difficult for the vehicles to clear this test. 

If you are found doing so, you need to face some serious consequences.

  • Like maybe you can face some prosecution charges.

  • Or some hefty fine, around £2500.

  • You may earn some points on your license.

  • A vehicle without MOT has less resale value. In the worst cases, you might not be able to sell your car later on. The potential buyers wouldn’t like to show credibility in you.

Let us know some more interesting facts about this test. 

What’s the duration of the test?

This test takes around 45 minutes to one hour. The parts are checked thoroughly. So, you have the option of leaving your vehicle and picking it up later on. 

What parts are checked during MOT?

Tyres, wheels, suspension, exhaust emissions, wipers, all the lights of the vehicle, washer bottle, vehicle registration number to check the authenticity of the vehicle and windscreen all such parts are checked. 

What’s the cost of this test? 

This test costs around £54.85 if you own a car or a caravan. However, for motorbikes, the cost is £29.65. If you get to see a good garage, it may charge less. Sometimes, the rate may be even 50% less. Just make sure that it’s an authentic centre. 

How to choose the correct MOT centre?

MOT centres licensed by the government should have three blue triangles. If you get to see these triangles at a testing centre, that means it’s an authorized one. 

Why do cars fail the MOT test?

There are many parts checked in an MOT Darlaston test. So, it’s better you are prepared for the test in advance. Before we get to know this, you must know some common reasons for failing the MOT test. 

  • Many times, the tyres become the culprit. The tread in the tyre if wears out below the minimum limit, then your vehicle might fail the test.

  • Check the mirrors and the windows of your car. A messy and cluttered car will surely fail the test.

  • If there are any stickers in the mirror that block your view, the vehicle might fail the test. Make sure, whatever you stick, should be outside the sweep area of the wiper.

  • The warning light on the dashboard should be lit up.

  • The vehicle can fail the test even if there’s an issue with the registration plate. If it’s missing or there’s an issue with the spacing, it can create problems for you.

If you take care of the above issues in advance, your vehicle will easily clear the MOT inspection. 

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