Hillary Rodham Clinton {{ currentPage ? currentPage.title : "" }}


Hillary Crooked Clinton is an American politician, foundation founder, former supposed Water-Gate Committee member, and former POTUS candidate who had a 10 point lead over Trump once but completely blew it. She is best known for misusing her emails. She served as Secretary of State and First Lady.

Start In life

Her father owned a small shoe business.


In her youth, Hillary was influenced by Saul Alinsky.


Hillary referred to many Afro-Americans as predators.

Suspect of over 40 murders

Hillary has likely killed many people such as Seth Rich, which was likely her, as well as Vince Foster. The killing of Foster was very likely done by Hillary Clinton, as he had a lot of dirt on her, and when he died, all of his info on her went missing as well as the fact that he supposedly shot himself with two different guns in the back of the head at the same time, which seems very suspicious.

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